Sondas de Duplo Quencher de Elevado Desempenho

High Performance Double Quenched Probes

Descubra as novas sondas de duplo quencher de elevado desempenho – (HP DQPs) – otimizadas para serem utilizadas em qPCR, estas sondas melhoram significativamente o desempenho dos seus ensaios através da melhoria do rácio sinal-ruído, reduzindo o background e aumentando a fluorescência no ponto final.

Com base em resultados bem-sucedidos, foi possível aperfeiçoar o desempenho dos ensaios de PCR em tempo real, permitindo-nos agora disponibilizar as novas sondas HP DQPs!

Pedido do Primers Oligos

Primers e Oligos
Possui Pack Primers?
Tipo de Pedido


Entre 18 a 40 bases
Tipo de Relatório e Análise
Tipo de Relatório e Análise
Tipo de Relatório e Análise

Todas as encomendas estão isentas de portes de envio.

PACK 1000
  • 0,30€/base
  • Escala 0,02 μmol
  • Purificação Standard
  • Primers Liofilizados
  • Sem Modificações
PACK 500
  • 0,36€/base
  • Escala 0,02 μmol
  • Purificação Standard
  • Primers Liofilizados
  • Sem Modificações

Qualquer modificação terá um valor acrescido. Consulte-nos para mais informações.

Aos preços apresentados acresce o IVA à taxa em vigor.

Cancelamentos ou alterações:

Lembramos que apenas podemos aceitar o cancelamento ou alteração da encomenda até 30 minutos após o envio da mesma. Após esse período, se a síntese já tiver sido iniciada, poderemos ter de cobrar algum custo.

High Performance Double Quenched Probes have been developed to advance assay accuracy by:

  • increased probe Tm
  • increased thermostability and annealing efficiency
  • increased specificity and sensitivity

not only but also for longer probes (>25 nts).

HP DQPs provide consistently reduced Cq values and improved sensitivity, and thus offer solutions specifically for challenging real-time quantitative PCR applications including detection of low-abundance targets or setting up complex multiplex assays.

Our HP DQPs utilize a high performance internal abMFQ quencher strategically positioned between the fluorophore and the 3′ MFQ quencher.
In 5′ nuclease assays, the probe length is essential to balance quenching efficiency and binding stability. While shorter probes are ideal, certain assays, such as AT-rich targets, may require a longer sequence for optimal Tm tuning. In this case, an internal quencher helps to extending the probe usability beyond the 30-nt window.

For probes longer than 25nts, the internal quencher of a DQP is typically placed between the 9th and 10th nucleotide downstream the 5´-fluorescent reporter.

Thereby the distance between reporter and quencher is shortened, and background/baseline fluorescence is substantially reduced — up to four times as compared to traditional single-quenched probes.

This improvement leads to clearer signals (increased Δ) and thus improved accuracy in your experimental results.

Figure 1. (ASignal increase of a 28mer HP DQP (FAM-abMFQ-MFQ, green) compared to the single quenched FAM-BHQ®-1 equivalent (pink). (B) Starting fluorescence levels of single-quenched FAM-BHQ®-1 probe (pink) and HP DQPs (FAM-abMFQ-MFQ, green).

However, our HP DQPs not only increase thermostability but also enhance annealing efficiency between probe and target sequence. Advanced kinetics with regard to probe-target hybridization combined with increased thermostability of the probe-target hybrid are leading to a significant increase in signal intensity of up to 80% compared to single-quenched probes.

This effect leading to a substantially improved diagnostic detection sensitivity is also seen for “regular length” probes (18-25nts). Replacing single-quenched dlps by HP dqps may therefore help to improve assay performance for challenging single- and multiplex applications.

metabion’s HP DQPs standard portfolio offers an exhaustive range of reporter-quencher combinations. We welcome customization beyond the standard offer and invite you to discuss your special requirements.

Our HP DQPs are available in standard yield ranges, from a minimum of 5 nmol up to 70nmol. Should you require larger amounts of dqp material, we are again happy to discuss your requirements.

Explore our HP (High Performance) Double Quenched Probes and let us support you in reaching next-level diagnostic assay accuracy and sensitivity.

For more information on customizing your probe design contact us at!

Our standard High Performance Double Quenched Probes – Portfolio

5 yield ranges based on independent lengths of delivered oligonucleotide quantities from 18 to 40 base lengths:

  • ≥   5 < 10 nmol
  • ≥ 10 < 20 nmol
  • ≥ 20 < 30 nmol
  • ≥ 30 < 50 nmol
  • ≥ 50 < 70 nmol

For ranges ≥ 70 nmol, please contact us at

All probes are HPLC purified and Mass-checked by default!

Our standard High Performance Double Quenched Probes – Portfolio

5 yield ranges based on independent lengths of delivered oligonucleotide quantities from 18 to 40 base lengths:

  • ≥   5 < 10 nmol
  • ≥ 10 < 20 nmol
  • ≥ 20 < 30 nmol
  • ≥ 30 < 50 nmol
  • ≥ 50 < 70 nmol

For ranges ≥ 70 nmol, please contact us at

All probes are HPLC purified and Mass-checked by default!

Reporter-Quencher combinations













Atto 390


Atto 425


Atto 465


Atto 495


Atto 520


Yakima Yellow®


Atto 430LS


Atto 490LS


Atto 488






Atto 532


Atto Rho6G


Descubra hoje mesmo as nossas soluções e comprove a diferença no desempenho dos ensaios!
Para sua conveniência, o Flyer das Sondas de Duplo Quencher de Elevado Desempenho (HP DQPs) está disponível para descarregar aqui.

Para efetuar um pedido de orçamento ou encomenda, clique aqui: